Hello Family!
This is is a private announcement... Just for You, you and you!
You and your families are invited to participate in the interactive production of, "Divine Desserts: A simple, 'How to' guide for creating; Fun Fabulous Feats and Quick Dynamic Treats."
Q: When will the fun begin?
A: Today
Q: What do I do with them?
A: Create Divine Desserts. Each collaborator is asked to make the recipe their own based on their unique set of family needs. Then share what inspired changes were made. What worked Best. What posed the greatest challenges.
Q: How can I get help if I am stumped?
A: Call the Chef's line at 916.572.6010. I will listen to your message and call back within 24 hours.
Q: When will E-book be released?
A: Before Christmas the initial release of the E-book format will be available to each participant.
Q: Who can get a copy of the E-book?
A: All who have attended a "Divine Desserts" class at the Raw & Living Spirit Retreat 2012 back to the first class in 2007 or friends and family you choose to share this blog with who wish join the fun!!!
Q: When will print version be released?
A: depending on choice selection for publishing. I am currently researching publishers, I am still leaning towards on demand and self publishing methods. However if you have in's with Atlantic or another publisher they will be considered and appreciated.
This is is a private announcement... Just for You, you and you!
You and your families are invited to participate in the interactive production of, "Divine Desserts: A simple, 'How to' guide for creating; Fun Fabulous Feats and Quick Dynamic Treats."
Q: When will the fun begin?
A: Today
Q: What do I do with them?
A: Create Divine Desserts. Each collaborator is asked to make the recipe their own based on their unique set of family needs. Then share what inspired changes were made. What worked Best. What posed the greatest challenges.
Q: How can I get help if I am stumped?
A: Call the Chef's line at 916.572.6010. I will listen to your message and call back within 24 hours.

A: Before Christmas the initial release of the E-book format will be available to each participant.
Q: Who can get a copy of the E-book?
A: All who have attended a "Divine Desserts" class at the Raw & Living Spirit Retreat 2012 back to the first class in 2007 or friends and family you choose to share this blog with who wish join the fun!!!

A: depending on choice selection for publishing. I am currently researching publishers, I am still leaning towards on demand and self publishing methods. However if you have in's with Atlantic or another publisher they will be considered and appreciated.